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Synology Multipath SMB, and iSCSI

So... normally when you want faster networking, you can just upgrade to faster NICs (10g, 25, 40, 50, 100g.. etc...).

However, in the case of my Synology DS423+, you get, two 1G ethernet ports with no expansion.

You would think the best course of action, would be to leverage LACP- however that is NOT the case.

Enabling Multichannel can double the amount of bandwidth per client, where as LACP, depending on hashing, only gives benefit up to the performance of one port.

This post details how to enable multipath for SMB, and how to configure iSCSI on linux with multiple paths.

Proxmox - Solutions to random errors.

This- is a short post which details how to resolve a few random errors you may experience with proxmox.

This post is for you, IF, you are experiencing any of these errors:

  • "System booted in EFI-mode but 'grub-efi-amd64' meta-package not installed! Install 'grub-efi-amd64' to get updates."
  • "Couldn't find EFI system partition. It is recommended to mount it to /boot or /efi."
  • "/etc/kernel/proxmox-boot-uuids does not exist."

Detecting a weird packet loss issue.

So- I recently installed a Quad 100G Mikrotik CRS504-4XQ-IN Router into my lab recently and moved a few servers over to 100G NICs.

Around the time I did this- I also started experiencing tons of random, hard to pinpoint instances of latency across my network.

I validated flow-control was enabled for the network- and I checked various port counters to look for errors.

This- issue took me around a week or two to finally pinpoint.... this post- is going through a bit of the steps taken.

Proxmox - Setup Debian Cloud-Init Templates

This post documents the steps needed to create a minified debian cloud image template, which you can easily clone, and have a running VM in seconds with no configuration needed.

This includes common packages, ssh-keys, IP information.

The end result of this project is...

  1. You clone a template, and start it.
  2. The cloned VM automatically starts up, updates itself, and starts running, with common packages installed, and your ssh details pre-configured.
  3. A slimmed down distribution, without excess (My end result was a 400M image.)
  4. No need to edit the VM after cloning, other then adding CPU/RAM, or other hardware as needed.

Proxmox - Import OVA

A random thing I recently came across while testing out LibreNMS-

I discovered they have a published .ova, which I wanted to import into Proxmox. However, proxmox as of this post, does not have a easy option to support importing this.

This- is a quick post, containing the commands you need, to import the ova.