I went with a MOSFET over a traditional relay, because I wanted to see if I could pass a PWM signal to the step-up coil to alter the frequency of the sound generated.
I will note, I was unsuccessful in doing so. However- these little modules do work quite nicely. You can substitute a relay instead, with minor changes to wiring
Please forgive my drawing. However, the wiring of this project is extremely simple.
From your 5V power supply-
Connect positive to:
VIN plug of your selected ESP device. (NOT the 3.3v link!!)
Positive input of your MOSFET or relay.
Connect negative/ground to:
GND pin of your selected ESP device. There are a few GND pins, pick your favorite.
Negative input of your MOSFET or relay.
Connect the OUTPUTs of your MOSFET, to the inputs of the "high-voltage generator" (The side with a blue wire)
Finally, connect a GPIO from the ESP to the MOSFET. I went with GPIO12. However, as long as you don't choose a reserved GPIO, you should be fine.
In hindsight- I should have used GPIO16 - 33 as there is nothing special about those pins, and they are capable of generating a PWM signal, if you want to experiment.
Connect the GPIO to the TRIG/PWM input of the MOSFET.
Soldering iron- for soldering wires to pins / connections.
Hot Glue Gun - To hold everything in place.
This is a cheap, quick POC project. Hot glue will work just fine here.
A drill
Used to make a hole for the DC 5v PIN.
First, solder all of the connections noted in the previous step.
Next, I drilled a hole for the DC 5v PIN, and then used hot glue to hold the plug into place.
Finally- I carefully placed the remaining components inside of the case.
After careful organization, I snapped the lid into place, and soldered the high-voltage leads into a mostly-fixed position.
Do note, altering the distance between the leads will alter the sound/frequency which is emitted.
The only concern I would be aware of during assembly- Try to keep the high-voltage leads as far away from the ESP as possible! Otherwise, you may end up zapping it.
Make sure to affix the high-voltage leads into a position where the ARC is NOT near anything flammable OR conductive.
This CAN present a fire / shock risk. You have been warned.
The last step- is to place the unit somewhere secure, away from children and pets.
For this project, I am using Esphome. It supports all of the functionality I need, and it easily integrates with Home Assistant, and MQTT, allowing me to easily automate it.
Here is the configuration file I am using:
substitutions:devicename:"cat_zapper"friendly_name:"CatZapper"ip_address:<<:!includesecrets.yaml<<:!includecommon/common.yamlesphome:name:${devicename}friendly_name:${friendly_name}esp32:board:esp32devvariant:esp32sensor:# Wifi Signal-<<:!includecommon/sensor-wifi-signal.yaml# Uptime-<<:!includecommon/sensor-uptime.yamlbutton:# Restart Button-<<:!includecommon/button-restart.yaml# Safe Mode Button-<<:!includecommon/button-safemode.yaml-platform:outputoutput:zapname:"Zapper"duration:400msoutput:-platform:gpiopin:GPIO12id:zap# Uncomment if you would like a web interface# web_server:# port: 80
Regarding the contents of the "common" files, I have those documented here: ESPhome Common. I use this include functionality, to keep my configuration files cleaner, and to avoid repeating the same configuration in multiple locations.
For my configuration, I used a Button to trigger this device. This uses the generic output button, which allows me to trigger a GPIO output for a determined amount of time.
You can alter the duration of the "Zaps" by adjusting the duration parameter in the above configuration.
The reason I am leveraging a generic output button, instead of a GPIO switch, is to control the duration during which this device is active. I wanted to greatly reduce the possibility of this device getting stuck in an "ON" position, which would greatly elevate the risk of fire.
After configuring this camera in Frigate, I had a video stream.
However, I really only care when there is a cat on or near the kitchen table. I don't want to waste resources detecting people walking near the table.
So, I created a motion mask, and masked off all of the areas I do not care about. This left me with the following view:
Do note, this is a color camera. However, since the room is currently uninhabited and dark- it is in "night vision" mode, which is black and white only.
After everything was completed, here is what I was left with:
Frigate Config.yaml
objects:filters:cat:# I lowered the score for detecting cats slightly, to improve detections.min_score:0.4threshold:0.6cameras:kitchen:detect:width:640height:354fps:7ffmpeg:inputs:# This path is specifically for a Reolink E1. As well, I am using the sub-stream for detection. -path:rtsp://YourUser:YourPassword@,304,366,354,640,354,640,277,640,181,640,0,0,0,0,354,202,354,115,206,173,134,227,61,442,58,473,93,569,101zones:# I also created a specific zone, for the areas I am wanting to detect cats.zone_0:coordinates:0,354,329,354,475,354,530,333,581,108,447,39,269,40,0,42objects:track:-cat
With these settings, over the last few days, I have gotten extremely accurate detections.
I will be adding the actual automation inside of Home Assistant. The automation is actually quite simple.
alias:Cat Taserdescription:Fire the laserstrigger:-type:occupiedplatform:devicedevice_id:94e0766834ecff68ee26b72f231499deentity_id:binary_sensor.zone_0_cat_occupancydomain:binary_sensorcondition:-condition:stateentity_id:input_boolean.mode_vacationstate:"off"action:-repeat:while:-condition:stateentity_id:binary_sensor.kitchen_cat_occupancystate:"on"sequence:-device_id:914217f5ad93dc688d9d6f3ea86e1b29domain:buttonentity_id:button.cat_zapper_zappertype:press-delay:hours:0minutes:0seconds:5milliseconds:0mode:single
When binary_sensor.zone_0_cat_occupancy turns on (ie. there is a cat inside of zone 0)
AND, I am not on vacation
THEN, Press the "zapper" button every 5 seconds, until there is no longer a cat inside of zone 0.
I WOULD have more videos, however, after deploying this device- the first two videos didn't come through with any sound. And, after the 3rd detection- the cats have not returned to the kitchen table.
Overall, I would call this a success... as not a single cat hair has been found on top of the kitchen table since deployment.
And- this can be easily repurposed for other areas of the house.
This project presents a potential fire hazard. Do not use this around anything flammable. Do not use this unsupervised. 🔥🚒
This project should not be used around pets or small children. 🐈️🐕️🤸
Make sure you read the disclaimers!
Also- you probably should not build this.
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