SCCM – Parsing Collection Maintenance Windows from C-Sharp¶
This post details how to extract useful information from the SCCM Schedules format.
Suggested Reading¶
Here are a few useful links to documentation regarding some of the activities being performed-
This solution makes heavy use of Logical AND operators.
As well as heavy use of shift operators.
The Format¶
You can view the SCCM service windows by querying the view, “vSMS_ServiceWindow”
Here is an example query for retrieving collections along with their service windows.
from v_Collections c
JOIN vSMS_ServiceWindow sw on sw.SiteID = c.SiteID
ORDER BY c.LimitToCollectionName
When you query this- you will get a lot of common information about your collections, their names, collection IDs, types, etc.
The piece I want to focus on here, is extracting out the actual schedules, which are stored in the “Schedules” column of the results from the above query.
At a glance, it would appear this column is complete gibberish, containing values such as below-
However, this is in fact, 64bits of data, stored as a hexadecimal string.
Reversing the format¶
Using data from both PART 1 of this post, as well as a bunch of testing collections I created- I came up with this diagram showing the relationships of the data in that column.
For the time being- I will be focused on “Weekly” windows, which are service-windows which repeats on the specified day of the week, every week.
I will note, the format of the above data will change, depending on the recurrence type, stored in bits 20- 22.
Low Bit | High Bit | N Bits | Data | Recurrence Type |
1 | 1 | 1 | Is Date GMT/CST | |
4 | 8 | 3 | Recur Every N Days | 2 = Daily |
14 | 16 | 3 | Recur Every N Weeks | 3 = Weekly |
16 | 18 | 3 | Day Of Week | 3 = Weekly |
10 | 12 | 3 | Week Order | 4 = Monthly by WeekDay |
13 | 16 | 4 | Recur Every N Months | 4 = Monthly by WeekDay |
17 | 19 | 3 | Day Of Week | 4 = Monthly by WeekDay |
11 | 14 | 4 | Recur Every N Months | 5 = Monthly By Date |
15 | 19 | 5 | Recur Every N Days | 5 = Monthly By Date |
7 | 9 | 3 | Offset Days | 6 = Monthly By Weekday Offset |
10 | 12 | 3 | Week Order | 6 = Monthly By Weekday Offset |
13 | 16 | 4 | Recur Every N Months | 6 = Monthly By Weekday Offset |
17 | 19 | 3 | Day Of Week | 6 = Monthly By Weekday Offset |
20 | 22 | 3 | Recurrence Type | |
23 | 27 | 5 | Duration (Mins) | |
28 | 32 | 5 | Duration (Hours) | |
33 | 38 | 6 | Duration (???) | Unsure- of what this is. |
39 | 44 | 6 | Date – Year | |
45 | 48 | 4 | Date – Month | |
49 | 53 | 5 | Date – Day | |
54 | 58 | 5 | Date – Hour | |
59 | 64 | 6 | Date – Minute |
Converting the HEX string into a ulong for processing.¶
if (!ulong.TryParse(Hex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, provider: null, out ulong Result))
throw new Exception("Invalid hex provided. Unable to parse.");
While there is nothing special about converting a string containing HEX, into a number- there is one important thing to note here- I am parsing the value as ulong, instead of long.
The reason behind using ulong- all of the values are unsigned. If we parse as long instead, this will make it harder to manipulate the data later on, as c# will assume all of the resulting arithmetic results in signed numbers.
If you don’t know the difference between signed / unsigned-
Signed data types leverage the most significant bit, to determine if the value is negative or positive. This allows them to hold a negative value, but, sacrifices half of the maximum value.
Unsigned- uses all of the bits for numeric data.
Common Fields¶
Bit 1, corresponds to “IS GMT / CST”, and is common for all types.
Bits 23-38 contains the duration, which is common for all recurrence types. I am unsure of what bits 33-38 stores…
Bits 39 – 64 contains the effective “Start Date” which is common and shared for all recurrence types. Parsing out this data is pretty easy.
Used the table above- we shift the data the specified number of bits, and do a bitwise AND to only include the number of bits notated.
var Flags = (Result >> 19) & 0x7; //Recurrence Type Flags - 3 bits.
model.Recurrance = (ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType)Flags;
var R_Duration_Mins = (Result >> 22) & 0x1F; //Duration Mins - 5 bits.
var R_Duration_Hours = (Result >> 27) & 0x1F; //Duration Hours- 5 bits.
model.Duration = new TimeSpan((int)R_Duration_Hours, (int)R_Duration_Mins, 0);
var IsGMT = (Result & 0x1) == 1; //First bit, specifies if this schedule is GMT, or Local.
var Duration = (Result >> 32) & 0x3F; // 6 bits. Not, sure exactly what this field's purpose is.
var Year = ((Result >> 38) & 0x3F) + 1970; // 6 bits + 1970
var Month = (Result >> 44) & 0xF; // 1 byte
var Day = (Result >> 48) & 0x1F; // 5 bits
var Hour = (Result >> 53) & 0x1F; // 5 bits
var Minute = (Result >> 58); // Remaining 6 bits. (Operating on a 64-bit ulong, no need to mask the rest)
model.StartTime = new DateTime((int)Year, (int)Month, (int)Day, (int)Hour, (int)Minute, 0, IsGMT ? DateTimeKind.Utc : DateTimeKind.Local);
The final cast to int is needed, otherwise, you would receive a syntax error because you cannot create a datetime with ulongs.
I will note, I am not using checked when casting, as…. well. It’s impossible to overflow an int with only 6 bits….
Recurrence Type¶
The Recurrence type, stored in bits 20-22, will determine the data stored in bits 2-19.
From my research, I have found these possible values:
None = 1¶
This service windows is not recurring, and will only occur once on the date provided.
Daily = 2¶
This schedule will repeat every N Days.
Weekly = 3¶
This schedule, will repeat on the specified day of the week, every week.
Monthly By Week Day = 4¶
This Schedule will occur every month, on a given weekday.
Monthly, With Offset = 6¶
This is the same as “Monthly by week day”, but, with the “Offset” checkbox checked.
This came with SCCM 2207
From Microsoft-
Parsing out Recurrence-Specific Fields.¶
switch (model.Recurrance)
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.None:
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.Daily:
model.RecurEveryNDays = (int)((Result >> 3) & 0x1F); //5 Bits
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.Weekly:
model.DayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek)(((Result >> 16) & 0x7) - 1); // 3 bits.
model.RecurEveryNWeeks = (int)((Result >> 13) & 0x7); // 3 bits
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.Monthly_ByWeekday:
model.WeekOccurence = (ParsedSchedule.WeekOrder)((Result >> 9) & 0x7); // 3 bits
model.RecurEveryNMonths = (int)((Result >> 12) & 0xF); // 4 bits
model.DayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek)(((Result >> 16) & 0x7) - 1); // 3 bits
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.Monthly_ByDate:
model.RecurEveryNDays = (int)((Result >> 14) & 0x1F); // 5 bits
model.RecurEveryNMonths = (int)((Result >> 10) & 0xF); // 4 bits
case ParsedSchedule.RecurranceType.Monthly_ByWeekDay_Offset:
model.DayOfWeek = (DayOfWeek)(((Result >> 16) & 0x7) - 1); // 3 bits.
model.OffsetDays = (int)((Result >> 6) & 0x7); // 3 bits.
model.WeekOccurence = (ParsedSchedule.WeekOrder)((Result >> 9) & 0x7); // 3 bits
model.RecurEveryNMonths = (int)((Result >> 12) & 0xF); // 4 bits
About the only thing special to note here- SCCM stores Days of week, starting with Sunday = 1. .NET Starts the week on Sunday = 0. To compensate, we just subtract 1.
I will also note, for “WeekOccurence”, 0 corresponds to last, 1 = first, 2 = second, 3 = third, 4 = forth.
How did I obtain this data?¶
Easier said than done!
While, I knew the general format from my previous article, and the pseudocode linked from it- I needed to parse out the specific offsets, and field types. As well, I wanted to leverage proper bitwise operations instead of relying on odd string/hex manipulation. So- a lot of this was trial and error.
The first step I did- was to generate a large number of dummy schedules, copy the hex, and I built a bunch of unit tests.
I knew the expected output, so, I provided the expected values. After which- most of the process was running unit tests, and using a bit of logic.
A lot of the work was done in Notepad++, looking at the binary values, and trying to determine what fits where.
By removing the “Known” bits, and only comparing the unknown bits- it makes it pretty easy to find what data, fits where, by comparing multiple variations of the data.
In the above example, it can be determined bits 17-19, corresponds to the day of the week.
Overall, it took me about one full working day to reverse engineer all of the formats.